New Start for 2019

We have reactivated our blog and are starting anew.

We are currently serving as oil field gate guards in Encinal, TX, never heard of it neither has anyone else.  You turn off I-35 (about 35 miles north of Laredo, TX)  and immediately go onto the dirt (mud) road Alamo Rd for 5 miles to the middle of cactus, cattle, and rattlesnakes.  Check out this map on google  the blue dot is us.  This is our home for the month of April.  One of us has to be on duty 24/7.  Since Encinal only has a Love’s truck stop and Family Dollar there is no place to go.  The trip to either takes 25 minutes one way because of the mud/dirt road.  We can find milk and eggs, diesel and Chester’s Chicken – but that is about it.

As implied we guard the gate here logging everyone in and out.  After dark the gate is closed (or when the cattle get loose), but open during the day.  Peggy works Noon to 9:30 PM sitting outside with the iPad tablet in hand, snake stick in the other waiting for traffic.  She has her book, music, and phone with the US Border Patrol on speed dial!


Peggy’s hut rocking chairs, music, internet, fan, snake stick, shade, electricity, mat.

Jim works 10 PM til 8 AM.  We share the other hours so one of us can do simple work projects.  We have a generator for power, water tank, and black water dump tank

Genny and water tank, we also have four LED lights (Note Peggy’s plant)

Our gate is not large or locked but simply a control point. Everyone has to stop and chat. We keep out those who don’t belong; and keep a log of trucks and people who are inside the gate. The log is internet live to Guard 1 management and the company doing the well. We actually have two operations going on here.  The main is a large wet gas drilling operation about 3/4 mile from the gate, the other is a small work pad (1 1/2 acres) right behind us where they are building steel pipe and pulling it under the fence to the next property to be buried. This is a secondary operation but on a good day they weld and pull a few hundred feet of pipe.


There is a fence at the square hole and the land on the other side in another ranch.


Night photo with the gate open.  We have a second generator with a large light pole and four really bright sodium vapor lights to give us light 24/7 at the gate.  Lots of unique critters and flora.

Cactus starting to  bloom

Left Texas Bird of Paradise;  Right Peggy’s buddy Road Runner (eats snakes)

Wild flowers which God made only for us to see.

More to follow in the next few days, we will also give a wrap-up of our projects with RVICS.ORG during January, February, and March

Back online at last!


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 Many of you have wondered if something happened to us, well it did to Jim.  I had a minor accident in Dawson City, Yukon while panning for gold.  I was helping some folks learn how to pan while Miss Peggy was in the stream with a sluice working the ground!  I turned to answer a question and ran smack into a picnic table with my thigh.  I swear it moved 2 feet, but alas it was solid concrete.  After a few days it looked pretty bad and we went to the hospital/clinic in town.
The nice doc there assured us nothing was broken just very black and blue.  He gave me some HD pain meds, and started me on 3 antibiotic pills 4 times a day!
 Went back a couple of days later and the calf of my leg was swollen and getting a few blisters.  We back the third and fourth time, he lanced the blisters and felt this was the infection leaving my body.  He requested we get medical attention in Fairbanks.
We took off for the Top of The World Highway via Chicken AK, and I was running a 103 degree fever during those 2 day.  Arrived at Tok AK on Friday to pickup some refrigerated medication which had been overnighted to me.  It finally got there on Monday at noon.  Thank God it was still cold  enough.  
First day in Fairbanks I had to go to a dentist for emergency glueing of a cap!
 Second day I went to the clinic first thing, by now my leg looked like a bear had mauled me  (should have taken pics – the docs and hospital took enough!)  They put IV’s in both arms to flush out my system as I was have a bad reaction to the antibiotics.  At 7 PM they announced they were sending me home at 8 PM but were going to give me a mild antibiotic via the IV as I had a true surface infection.  By 8 PM I was covered in hives due to that antibiotic.
Fairbanks Mem
 Long story short I was admitted to the hospital for a few days were they totally cleaned me out, took my blood every 4 hours, gave me shots in the belly for blood clots (I never had any) and started me on a starvation diet.   They treated us great there, letting Miss Peggy stay, and even feeding her.  All in all it was on my back and out of it for about 3 weeks!
Good news was that my Doc in Fairbanks was an internal medicine person, she redid all my meds and supplements, put me on a very strict low carb diet. (135 a day – that used to be a meal).  I have lost  a few pants sizes, no longer take my insulin or metforin, and have done away with 2 of my 3 blood pressure meds.  I feel good, but we are now starting a slow trip back to the midwest for further medical review.
 We arrived in Anchorage to report to the clinic first thing and blood work is great.  We current are in Terrace, BC awaiting parts to repair our RV.  During this entire ordeal God has placed good people in our path to care for us.  
Tomorrow we will further update the blog as we will be in Terrace a couple of more days, and have found internet at the library and Tim Horton’s!
 Thank you all for your prayers.
Click on the RV Budget link at the top of the blog
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. – Psalms 37:7 

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Whitehorse Northbound


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 This is the picture we took at Dawson Creek, BC inside the visitors center.
 It wasn’t snowing in there!20160520_110848

This is the oldest wooden bridge in Canada, just North of Dawson Creek. It was built as part of the WW II war effort for the Alaskan Highway. You can still drive over it in a large RV like ours, but walking was scary enough.  It has a 9 degree tilt to the right to keep water off which is probably while it is still standing.


We love to boondock. It saves money, allows us to enjoy the beauty of the area, and is part of the adventure. Look at this view from where we parked for two nights.


Panoramic view of me fishing at Muncho Lake


I caught about 9 lake trout, my first. You can only have in your possession 2 of legal size. As it started to rain we kept this 19 inch girl.  We should have kept another as it rained the rest of the day and I didn’t fish.


I cleaned the fish in the rain and the seagulls were there right away!  We ate it for lunch as the harder it rained the more sloppy my filleting got.


This is the picture at 11 PM from where I was fishing.  Last night I was still reading inside our RV at 11:15 PM with no lights on.  Ole Sol starts showing his face at 3:30 AM.


These are the blackout curtains Miss Peggy made for our bedroom. They are from a scrap of dark green sunbrella from out sailing days. A little velcro holds them in place.DSCF0797

 We went to the world-famous Liard hot springs.  The British Provincial Parks worked very hard to build (and maintain) this facility.  There is no road going the 1/2 mile to the hot springs, and all this material was brought in via ATV with a trailer!

If you notice the water is almost to my shoulder. I am setting on a stone bench they hauled in. Water is crystal clear.

Miss Peggy is sitting on a spillway they built to make the lower water 3-4 degrees cooler.  Below she is pointing out that the area has to be closed from time to time so Yogi and Boo-Boo can use it.

This is one of the sources of the hot springs, and the water coming out of here could cook a lobster. Liard PP is one of the best maintained parks in BC.


Another picture of the sign forest at Watson Lake.


We added our own sign, the one in the middle. FL 488 NNJ with our names, date, city, and of course


Every year someone even counts the number of signs, as they are put up randomly you have to start the count over each year!


One of the many black bears along the road, we have yet to see the brown (grizzly).


Looking out the window you will see the wood bison (buffalo) laying down in the grass. We even saw them standing on the road eating the grass.


You always have to be camera ready, at 50 MPH (we aren’t speedy) sometimes the image is blurry

 Things we have missed on this trip:
Jif Peanut butter – Not in Canada, but they love peanut butter so there are real good substitutes.
Angel Soft Tissue – this shocked us, we will have a 9 week supply – maybe in Anchorage.
Western Salad Dressing – haven’t seen this since December, if we catch up with our friends Jim & Barb we may take their stash!
Sugar free items are in low supply but gluten free is available everywhere.
We love the variety of sausages and cold cuts, the seafood, fresh bakeries and of course poutine.
Very friendly and helpful folks at the visitors centers.  Most people are happy to see us and help us with our stupid questions.  Diesel runs 99 cents a liter so you do the math.  We have paid over $ 1.80 a liter – but didn’t buy much!  That’s about $3.75 a gallon of diesel, we had planned on a $5 average so we are happy.
Click on the RV Budget link at the top of the blog
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God”  Philippians 1:3

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Yukon is on the horizon


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Just a couple of quick thoughts as we have very little internet service until this week-end.


 We are currently parked next the world-famous sign forest in Watson Lake, YT.  The first sign was placed here by Carl Lindley from Danville, IL in 1942, now there are over 77,000 signs from around the world including ours.  Danville was supposed to have started a sign forest of their own a few years ago and the locals here are not happy they have heard nothing about it.  Maybe our Danville readers can check this out!
We have seen a lot of animals along the road  bear, bison, sheep – pictures to follow this weekend.  While camped at the Liard Hot Springs a buffalo came in the middle of the night and left a present behind our RV!
What we have liked about Canada so far:
No Pennies
Friendly folks (not those at the border)
Good fishing
Views to die for
Poutine – French fries with cheese curds and gravy
What keeps us on our toes:
Loonies & Toonies
Every thing in different weights, speeds, and volumes
Black Out Curtians – only dark from 11 PM to 3:30 AM
High taxes
Constant watch for animals and road hazzards while driving.
Signs and labels in French
Large mixtures of immigrants
No TV, radio, cell service, or internet
More on all of this in two days when we are in Whitehorse, YT and have better internet and cell service.
Click on the RV Budget link at the top of the blog
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.– Proverbs 3:24

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British Columbia – We have Arrived!!


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We didn’t have the border crossing into Canada that we were looking for.   We got into the wrong lane at the Canadian Border.  We got into the “commercial lane” come on we are almost 60 feet long.  Then we were told it was shift change time – we had to wait.  Then we had to go inside, lots of questions about the fact we have concealed carry permits and where are our handguns?  (In Florida of course)  After another 45 minutes of questions and sit and wait they finally let us into Canada and they never inspected the inside of our rig!!
We then spent the night at an abandoned Target store and went shopping at the Costco (you can’t take produce, eggs, fruit, or fresh meat across the border).  We felt like we were in a foreign country and we didn’t mean Canada.  Half the folks shopping didn’t speak english, the money was different, the weight systems were different and we were tired.  Welcome to Canada!!!!
The next day we spent the night next to the roadway (dry camping) and this was our view.  The lady at the welcome center in the very tiny town we were close to was very friendly and kind and told us some of the best places to get pictures.
The following day this was the sunset by the lake we camped close to.
Peggy navigates using 3 atlas’ and a guidebook called Mile Post.
We stopped at Lac La Hache (roughly means hatchet by the lake).  We tried to troll but the boat ride was more fun.
We saw this bald eagle two different days.  We listened to the loons call to each other at night.  It was nice.
Yes that is a seaplane on the lake – it is 11 miles long.
The white dot to the left of the two buildings is our RV.
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What a nice setting and great owners of the park.
Don’t I look like I haven’t fished in fresh water for over 20 years?  My gear is as rusty and I am.  I am sure the fish are laughing.
We stopped at Hell’s Gate where the Fraser river narrows to its tightest point.  
Miss Peggy had to sit down.
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We had to take a tram across the river – this is the view down.
During the building of the railroad a rock slide fell into the river making the area where the salmon move upstream to span very narrow and over the next few years millions of salmon died here.  They built these special fish water ways so that the salmon can move through the narrows.
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We moved on to the town of Chetwynd BC where every year they have a world-class chainsaw carving – they have over 100 of these huge carving.
Chetwynd 2
Chetwynd 1
chetwynd 4
The next day we left only to run into this – snow.  150 miles north it was in the 60’s and 100 miles to the south it was also in the 60’s.
We holed up at Camp Wal-Mart for 2 nights waiting the freak storm to move past.
We installed this wall heater last year and we had even taken it off the wall and into storage!  We broke it back out and remounted it.  Most RV furnaces are about 45% efficient this unit is 98%, and we choose a model that has the nice blue flame look.  It sure has kept us toasty.
While in Dawson City holing up from the storm we did the tourist things.  Here is our picture at mile 0 on the Alaska Highway during snow.
Tomorrow we move north into warmer weather!! 
Click on the RV Budget link at the top of the blog
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. – Psalms 37:7 

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Oregon – The Land of Friendly Folks!

(Just so you know, you can click on any picture to make it larger, you can post comments or questions at the bottom of each post, you can click on any links (in blue & underlined) to learn more, you can click on our “Travel Map” to see our journey, and you can click on “Contact Landyachty” for a direct email to us.)

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Leaving San Francisco in our rear view mirror we head north into Oregon and have to say everyone we met was glad to see us. 


Can you say really big, these are the redwood trees, they are some of the largest trees in the world!

 Most of the big ones were cut down years ago for lumber – such a shame.


Yes, this is US HWY 101 and we are pulling the fifth wheel through this 3 mile stretch; praying all the way to not meet a semi!


This is at a beach area in South Oregon, the long pipe comes from a fish cleaning station and the parts slide into the Pacific Ocean to the waiting seals.


We camped along the Umpqua River in Central Oregon. This river is feed by Crater Lake and goes to the ocean.


We were told about a wonderful cascading hot springs a few miles from our camp that emptied into the Umpqua River.


We found out this was “Clothing Optional” – but not for the old man and Miss Peggy.


They didn’t tell us it was a 600′ straight up climb to the hot springs, and me without my hiking stick or cane.


Forgot to mention we bought a new camera for the trip, do you like this panoramic shot of the ocean?

After the fun at the hot springs we drove over to Crater Lake the next day.  It is the deepest and most pure lake in the USA.

At almost 8,000 feet it is feed only by snow and clear rain.


We had a grilled cheese at the lodge on the left, the building is three stories high with kids sliding on the snow off the roof. They get 14 to 40 feet of snow a year!


To get into the buildings they erect these steel tunnels in the fall, not only is the tunnel covered by the snow but as you saw it can go up 3 stories. Their goal is to have all the snow cleared off the roads by July 4th.


This rare redhead hottie made a appearance. We estimated that she is standing on top of a 18 foot high snow build up, the green next to her is the top of a tree!


A view of the Crater Lake area from Diamond Lake about 20 miles away.


We went to the beautiful seaside village called Bandon by The Sea.


Miss Peggy’s cousin Kendall lives here and we haven’t seen her in years, we were so glad we spent a few days here!


Miss Peggy forgot how mowing felt so she tried out Kendall’s electric mower.


We unloaded the ATV and went on the dunes and ocean beach in North Bend OR.

Leaving the Coos Bay area we went to Brighton for some R and R.
Kelly’s has got to be one of the best places we stayed, not only for the beautiful views but the fine people who own this.
We’re rig in the middle with flag a-flying, by Monday morning we were the only rig. 

Site right on the bay!


The sunsets every night.


Oh yeah – catching your own crabs!


Nothing like eating dungeness  crabs pulled out of the bay just minutes before – oh yeah garlic butter up to my elbows!


We also visited Tillamook Cheese (twice) they make 167,000 pounds of cheese a day!


Someone from Yellow Mountain NC needs to zoom in on the semi truck delivering milk and see who the drive is. This a a totally co-op owned plant.

While in Tillamook we visited the  Tillamook Air Museum which is an aviation museum within a museum. The museum is housed in a former military blimp hangar, called “Hangar B”, which is the largest clear-span wooden structure in the world


This WWII picture shows both blimp hangers.

Another picture from WWII showing 8 blimps in the hanger.  There were 17 blimps housed at this navy base.  Yes these were ships of the air not classified as planes. They had a ships wheel and carried a crew of 12-14.  They are so big that some of them held a plane inside the bay that was dropped out to later land back at the base.  They carried bombs, depth charges, and machine guns but usually radioed the subs location to chaser boats.  They could do 50 knots a hour with a 40 hour range.  They patrolled the west coast for Japanese submarines.
The item on the tracks is a train engine, to its right is a blimp!!  Right now a collection of planes is housed in the hanger.
Look at the size of these sliding doors which still have to work to let the planes in and out.
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The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

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San Francisco or Bust!

(Just so you know, you can click on any picture to make it larger, you can post comments or questions at the bottom of each post, you can click on any links (in blue & underlined) to learn more, you can click on our “Travel Map” to see our journey, and you can click on “Contact Landyachty” for a direct email to us.)

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 After we took off ten days to go visit family we finally got on the road for our Alaska trip!
Our first stop was Gila Bend, AZ where we left out RV while we flew back to the midwest.  Happy to see the AZ sunrises!

The flowers of the desert are just now starting to pop out of the cactus.





CR sunset AZ

We are happy to be able to attract the hummers back to us.

CR woodpecker

Of course we went ATVing, here to visit a gold mine.


Gila Bend has one of the largest concentrations of petroglyphs in the world.  There are thousands of them in the middle of nowhere covering the size of a football field.


Here is actual graffiti from 1908, the Indian petroglyphs are thousands of years old.


On the way to the site we saw many dust devils.


We stayed across the bridge, north of SF in the town of Novato at Novato RV Park.  They are a little pricey for our budget at 80 bucks a day but we are in the SF area. The first day we were to start our SF visit we woke up to start Big Red and the alternator had bitten the dust.  We found a shop that could fix it that day and also give us a loaner.

It was a rainy afternoon once we got into the loaner – so we went a visited 3 cheese factories in the area.  We ate out very good lunch from the Marin French Cheese Co.   at the pond at their creamery.  Thanks to CA laws we couldn’t tour any of the factories, guess they think we are germ bags!  We did buy cheese at three locations, at Cowgirl Creamery  (goat cheese) we not only bought some of their stock but also goat cheese from Greenfield IN  Miss Peggy’s home town!


Friday we drove a few miles down the road from Novato RV with a new ($500) alternator to the ferry terminal at Larkspur and took the 30 minute ride to SF.  Tens of thousand of people use the Golden Gate Ferry System daily to commute to work in SF.  Once there we rode on one of the old trolley cars the F Line to Fisherman’s Wharf.  Ferry cost (for old folks) was $5.25 and the F Line was one buck.  We had a bunch of points left from so we added a few bucks and stayed at the Holiday Inn at Fisherman’ s Wharf.


We ate lunch at the Pier Market Restaurant at pier 39.  It was so good we went back for supper!  We had crab, shrimp, cod, etc.  Boy were we pigs.


You can’t go to SF with out riding the cable car, we went from one end to the other and back $28 each – what happened to the good prices on the F Line?


A lot of people forked out the $28 for the ride and some of them are commuters!


Check out the Sea Lions.  Man I was ready for a nap too!


Gotta see the Golden Gate Bridge  (color – international orange).


We took a day tour with Dylan Tours and we can’t recommend them enough.  Our guide as born in SF and we (14 people max) on the tour were treated like family.  We did stop a Muir Woods, and Miss Peggy & I did a 1 hour hike in the woods.DSCF0245

Check out the size of these trees!DSCF0228



In Sausalito we ate at a hamburger joint that was right out of Soup Kitchen Nazi.  People were yelled at for not calling out their orders, and it was only  “what do you want on your burger & what to drink, next!”  They were lined up in the street.  No seating, just pay, take your bag, and get out.DSCF0251This is the view at the dock we sit and ate our very good burger and fries.DSCF0261

Being tourists we went to Alcatraz for a visit!DSCF0289

I had forgotten that for a number of months Native Americans took over Alcatraz.


Another shot of us & the Golden Gate from the north side after the ferry ride back.


We now are on our way up to Oregon and Crater Lake.


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The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

Save money by shopping at our favorite place for RV supplies and electronics. Just click on the logo and save.


We are back!!!

(Just so you know, you can click on any picture to make it larger, you can post comments or questions at the bottom of each post, you can click on any links (in blue & underlined) to learn more, you can click on our “Travel Map” to see our journey, and you can click on “Contact Landyachty” for a direct email to us.)

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After a number of months of no posting we are back to at least a weekly posting.  We are preparing to leave for our Alaska summer trip in 10 days, for the next few days we will give a short recap of our mission work the first quarter of the year.

We spent January in Moreno Valley CA (see the previous post)  Here are some of the pictures from our work:

Q aerial



This is where the Indian women ground corn thousands of years ago!


While in the big Q we had the living/dining room windows removed, taken apart (double pane), cleaned and reinstalled.  This is about 1/3 the price of new glass.


                       Arrival at Victory Ranch our first mission assignment.

We arrived in style with an accident - more on this later.

               We arrived in style with an accident – more on this later.

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                            This is our team of four couples at Victory Ranch.


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                 Miss Peggy trying her hand at spray painting steel chairs.


               Our humming buddies at Victory Ranch.


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We complete tore out a boys shower room (including the cement floor) to modernize everything.

We complete tore out a boys shower room (including the cement floor) to modernize everything.

One day we visited a large dairy farm.

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Right after this was taken the cow in the right background gave Miss Diane a big kiss on the ear.

Miss Peggy and I visited the Palm Springs Aerial Tram for the two and one-half mile trip to the 8,000 peak. We have dinner up there and watched the sunset.

Miss Peggy and I visited the Palm Springs Aerial Tram for the two and one-half mile trip to the 8,516 peak. We have dinner up there and watched the sunset.  This is the world’s largest rotating aerial tram.


There was snow at the top of the tramway! This is the highest elevation we have been at..

After leaving California we returned to Quartzsite for 2 days of R & R before moving to Glendale, AZ. nothing like exploring the desert.

After leaving California we returned to Quartzsite for 2 days of R & R before moving to Glendale, AZ.   You never know what you will find while exploring the desert.

Click on the RV Budget link at the top of the blog,
The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

Save money by shopping at our favorite place for RV supplies and electronics. Just click on the logo and save.


Victory Ranch, Moreno Valley, CA

January, 25, 2016

We have intended to get back to posting our journal for a long time as you can see, it has been awhile.  It certainly takes discipline to sit down and do this, but we have had many tell us they really enjoyed seeing what we have been doing and where we were, so with your encouragement, we will try to get to it a little more often.  I, Peggy, am trying my hand at this as Jim is out working.

We just began our 3rd week here at this Youth Camp, which has the backing of the Independent Baptist Church, but is not governed by them.  The director has been here 30 years. He now has two children. one in middle school and one in high school, who live here with him. The camp started out with 200 acres, but 0ver time, they needed money to make improvements, so land was sold off to pay for various projects. It now is an 80 acre camp. They have two out of four of the original small cabins.  The other two were destroyed in a flood which ravaged the camp at one point.  They have built several more bunk houses.  There is a dining hall, recreation hall, outdoor ping pong tables, a basketball court, soccer field, pool, houses for staff, and other houses which mission people can come and stay.  They also have a ranch with horses, calves, sheep, goats, pot bellied pigs, peacocks, and chickens.  Kids love coming to the camp to ride the horses.

RVICS (Roving Volunteers In Christ Service) arrives here at the camp twice a year to help with anything they need done.  In exchange, they provide 4-5 RV sites, with sewer, water, and electricity.  RVICS headquarters is in Smithville, Texas and is run entirely by volunteers.  We stopped by headquarters for one night to meet some of the people on the way through Texas.

Since we have been here, the women have been painting a large bunkhouse which has 8 large rooms, each one can accommodating 12 people.  Two of the men have removed 4 swamp coolers off a rotten roof, put down new plywood, rebuilt the frames for the coolers,  painted the area, put cement shingles back on the roof, and replaced the coolers.  The other two have removed 6 solar heaters which heat the pool.  They had frozen up when they tried to save energy by turning them off when they didn’t use the pool.  Problem was, when the temperature goes down to freezing, the water froze and that was all she wrote for the solar panels.   All needed supplies are furnished by the camp.  The problem is, they are on a very tight budget, so if a part is needed, instead of running to Home Depot or Lowes, the guys must go to the camp junk pile, find pieces they need, bring them back and use a dremel tool to take the rust off, clean them up, weld them together and hopefully they will work.  (Very time consuming) After two and a half weeks, they are being reinstalled on the roof as I write this, and all are praying they will work.  There was one day it was very windy and the guys all had a rough day just standing up on these roofs, let alone dealing with solar panels and coolers.

The women work from 8:30-11:30 and the men work from 8:30-3:30 with an hour off for lunch, Monday through Wednesday.  On Thursday, the men also get off at 11:30.  Our day starts off with devotions together.  One evening we have a social hour and on Friday we go together on a tour of something interesting in the area.  The balance of the time is on our own.

I will try to figure out how to add some pictures soon.


On the Road to Maryland

Saturday November 21

Did I mention how happy we are to be back on our own?  We stayed at Honeysuckle Farm RV Park for two night.  We got in after dark (broke our own rules) but we didn’t get out of Franklin NC until 2 PM.  The Passport America rate is $15 a night for full hookup, a good deal.  The owner Mike was away while we where there so we just put our payment in the box in the laundry room used as an honor system for laundry.  The park is a lesson in slow development. Mike is trying hard. 15 sites with full hookup, a laundry room, 2 shower/bath rooms.  He has a pond for the use of guests, and even has 3 raised bed gardens with two holding new crop of leaf lettuce and the third under cultivation.  He is trying hard but the park still needs lots of work.  Grass was mowed and picked up, roads were gravel/dirt but usable.  Great place for a 2 days stop over.  Ten of the sites were being used.


                                                 View from across the pond.

We enjoyed our time at the Air Museum in Warner Robbins.  It had great displays on the Flying Tigers and gliders used during D-Day. They had four large buildings, and the last we visited had many aircraft waiting for restoration where we could see the restoration going on – very interesting.  We had a late lunch at Martin’s BBQ right across from the base where we had excellent BBQ.

We left Wednesday for Live Oak FL, and with the exception of missing a detour turn and going 1 mile on a loose one lane dirt road we arrived in fine time.  We even stopped in downtown Live Oak and picked up our rental car at Enterprise.  

That night we took our hosts out to dinner at Cedar River Seafood in Lake City.  We all had the same special flounder and shrimp.  Large portions but we have had better shrimp.

We left out at 9 AM the next morning with a lunch stop at Skippers Fish Camp in Darien, GA (N of Brunswick).  We had planned for a light lunch, but couldn’t resist the last chance at fresh Georgia shrimp.  Miss Peggy had a shrimp poor boy with sweet potato souffle. I had a bowl of crab stew with a small shrimp appetizer.  Boy  oh Boy are we glad we stopped.  The shrimp were huge and very, very tasty.  My stew was at least 50% real crab meat – no wonder this place is number 2 in the area, and right on the water with views of the shrimp boats!!

We spent the night at a Super 8 in Fayetteville, NC.  This was a nice budget motel with a bonus of a well heated salt water indoor poor.

We had supper at Fuller’s Old Fashioned BBQ.  I had eaten here a few years ago while on a mission trip to build a house at Bayboro, NC.  Fuller’s philosophy is that if it doesn’t seem done – cook it another 15 minutes!  It is eastern NC BBQ buffet at its best.  Chicken done three ways, four types of beans, two types of okra.  Good BBQ and soul food with 15 desserts.  Miss Peggy tried the “pork in gravy” which she said was good but chewy.  

After finishing it I explained to her why her chitlins were so tasty!!! (A first for her!!)


In the morning we left out after a simple continental breakfast at the Super 8 and fought the rain all the way to Mike & Kellie’s house.  The rain won out as we arrived 2 hours behind schedule due to very heavy rain and accidents.

give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s  will for you in Christ Jesus.

 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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